Sunday 19th January : 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

The fulfilment of God's promise is compared to a wedding feast. The wine that flows in plenty speaks of the joy of the kingdom.

Monday 20th January : St. Fabian

Had been Pope for fourteen years when martyred under Decius in the year 250.
It is said that he was elected Pope when a dove descended on his head; being reminded of Our Lord's Baptism, the Council decided to elect him as Pope.

Tuesday 21st January : St. Agnes

Wealthy and beautiful, was martyred for her virginity in the last persecutions in Rome, in the early fourth century. Patron of betrothed couples, gardeners and young girls.

Wednesday 22nd January : St. Vincent

Deacon of the church of Saragossa, Spain, martyred in 304 in Valencia after prolonged torture.

Friday 24th January : St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622)

Bishop of Geneva, founder of the Visitation Sisters. He worked with gentleness and love to rebuild the Catholic faith after the Reformation. Patron saint of writers, editors and journalists.

Saturday 25th January : Conversion of St. Paul

St. Paul preached the power of God at work in the lives of each one of us. His conversion shows that power in his own life. Out of a persecutor God made a preacher and teacher of the peoples. Paul never ceased to express thanks and wonder for this grace, but he still prayed for perseverance.