Friday 21st February : St. Peter Damian (1007-1072)
Gave up teaching to become a hermit. Later he was Cardinal Bishop of Ostia (in Italy). He was an outstanding reformer of Church life and discipline.
Saturday 22nd February : The Chair of St. Peter
This ancient feast relates to early Roman custom at this time of year of remembering the ancestors of the family, those who presided over the family fortunes. The feast celebrates Peter as bishop of Rome and the focus of unity in the communion of one faith.
Sunday 23rd February : 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Abishai reflects our human way of thinking about justice and mercy. But David, refusing to take advantage of Saul's helplessness, gives an idea of God's boundless compassion and mercy. The followers of Jesus are to strive to be merciful as God is merciful, perfect as God is perfect.
Thursday 27th February : St. Gregory of Narek
He was a monk of the Armenian Church, a mystic and poet. His best known writing is Lamentations, also called simply Narek, a collection of 95 prayers, each with the title "Conversation with God from the depth of the heart". Pope Francis declared Gregory a doctor of the Church in 2015.
Saturday 1st March : St. David
He is the patron saint of Wales, where he was an abbot and bishop in the sixth century. Several Irish saints were his pupils and he influenced monastic development in Ireland. He died around the year 601.