
Baptismal Booking Form must be completed and returned to the parish office 2 weeks prior to Baptism, where the booking will be confirmed.
Baptismal Booking Form available from parish office or on Baptism page on this website.
There is a short compulsory pre-baptism meeting before the baptism of a first born in a family. (Date and booking at the parish office)
Baptism Certificates available on request at the parish office.
First Confession / First Penance / First Holy Communion / Confirmation

These are all arranged and prepared for through our parish primary schools.
Confirmation Certificates (rarely need) available on request at the parish office.
Sacrament of the sick

Sacrament of the sick is administered as appropriate on each priest's monthly visit to those on his sick list (usually First-Friday week each month). Other requests for this sacrament should be directed to any of the priests.
Urgent sick calls: Please note that, as far as possible, there is a priest on call at all times for emergencies. Parishioners are respectfully reminded that, as the priests have separate phone numbers, it is sometimes necessary to try more than one number before locating the duty priest concerned.
Marriages in Upper Creggan

Bookings: Three months minimum in advance by calling with any priest of the parish in person or at the parish office. Telephone bookings not accepted.
Wedding bookings apply to Monday to Saturday only (no weddings on Holy Days or Sundays).
All Weddings are at 1.00 p.m.
Intending married couples are obliged to attend a recognised marriage course and must book their own course by contacting any of the following: /
Tel: Newry 3026 3577; Dundalk 9331731; Portadown 3833 4781
All civil registration procedures (north and south) are entirely the responsibility of the couple.
Wedding Certificates available on request at the parish office.
God's Plan for Our Marriage and Family
As we answer God's call
in our vocation
in the Sacrament of Marriage
to follow Christ and to serve
the kingdom of God in our married life,
we ask, in and through the concreteness of
events, problems, difficulties and circumstances
of everyday life, that God will come to us,
guiding us and enlightening us as we share
Christ's love with one another, in our family life,
at work, in our neighbourhood, in our
contributions to society
and in the life and worship of our parish.
Inspired by Pope St. John Paul II, Familiaris Consortio (51), from The Family Prayer Book